
A ramp with a constant incline is made to connect a driveway to a front door. At a point 4 feet from the driveway, the height of the ramp is 12 inches. At a point 6 feet from the driveway, the height of the ramp is 18 inches. What is the rate of change of the ramp’s incline?

Accepted Solution

recall that, there are 12 inches in 1 foot, now, when the ramp is 4 feet away, that's 4*12 inches, and when it's 6 feet away, that's 6*12 inches.

[tex]\bf \begin{array}{ccll} \stackrel{\textit{inches from driveway}}{x}&\stackrel{\textit{inches of ramp's height}}{y}\\ \text{\textemdash\textemdash\textemdash}&\text{\textemdash\textemdash\textemdash}\\ 48&12\\ 72&18 \end{array}\\\\ -------------------------------[/tex]

[tex]\bf \begin{array}{lllll} &x_1&y_1&x_2&y_2\\ % (a,b) &({{ 48}}\quad ,&{{ 12}})\quad % (c,d) &({{ 72}}\quad ,&{{ 18}}) \end{array} \\\\\\ % slope = m \stackrel{\textit{average rate of change}}{slope = {{ m}}= \cfrac{rise}{run}} \implies \cfrac{{{ y_2}}-{{ y_1}}}{{{ x_2}}-{{ x_1}}}\implies \cfrac{18-12}{72-48}\implies \cfrac{6}{24}\implies \cfrac{1}{4}[/tex]